Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us at

What Customers Ask The Most

Yes, of course! In an effort to provide you with the best experience possible, we're giving you 30-days to experience your new product, if you do not absolutely love your new product, we will give you your money back. This guarantee is not valid until after you receive your product. You will not be able to cancel your order once it has been shipped. 

Please allow 24-48 hours for us to dispatch from our warehouse. We anticipate you will receive your order in no longer than 7-12 days depending on your location. International order may be closer to 15 days.

We processed orders the very same day. We could make changes to your order or cancel it if you notify us immediately, within 24 hours of placing your order. Once the orders have been processed and forwarded for fulfillment, we regret that there is nothing we can do and we won't be able to make any changes or process a refund. 

If this happens, we are truly sorry. Please contact us at

We will take care of you and cover all the costs of getting you the right item. We will make sure to correct the issue as soon as possible. 

Tracking numbers normally takes 1-5 days to update but it is already on its way to you. It will update as soon as it reaches the next destination and is being scanned by the system.

If you order multiple products, they may come separately to ensure quicker delivery.